If Only For A Single Day

Listen to If Only For A Single Day track demo


* EP Album (4 songs) available as MP3 download only

If Only For A Single Day

by Singer, Songwriter & Music Maker, Xion Bendrake

* This demo plays a partial version of the song., but all of the song lyrics are shown below.

This demo plays a partial version of each song on the EP Album.

I sit and watch the teardrops fall
And cover me like rain
One million broken hearts stop beating
And turn to face the pain

If only for a single day
To have you back and hear you say
If only for a single day
I’d found my way

The journey lasts ten thousand years
Fraught with pain and fear
Joy and laughter’s distant echo
Lost without you near

If only for a single day
To have you back and hear you say
If only for a single day
I’d found my way

A young soul on a journey
Spreads magic far and wide
His joy, love and freedom
He whispers deep inside

If only for a single day
To have you back and hear you say
If only for a single day
I’d found my way

~ Copyright 2023 – If Only For A Single Day – Xion Bendrake ~

The Story Behind The Song

If only there was a way to bring people back from the other side. If only we could be with that special person again to say the things we never got to say. The “if onlys” are endless when there is no chance of changing the past. Life for me continued on and I turned my ‘if onlys’ into this song. To have the opportunity to be with a person you have loved and lost, who would you choose to have back and spend time with “If Only For A Single Day”?


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If Only For A Single Day

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